🎊Welcome to CEAYA Ebike Store

365 Days Warranty | Free Shipping | Duty Free On All Ebike

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Odwiedź nasze strony pomocy, aby uzyskać odpowiedzi na niektóre z najczęściej zadawanych pytań.

Skontaktuj się z nami i powiedz nam, jak możemy Ci pomóc.

Still have questions ? Let us help!
In order to serve customers better and more timely,you can get in touch with us in the following two ways:
1. You can tell us your request by filling in the form below, usually we will reply to you via email within 12 hours.
2. If your question is difficult, you can take a video or send a picture to our customer service Whatsapp or Email, and we will help you in real time.

Whatsapp: +8613802202041


-Service time:

We will provide live chat service from 9 am to 18 pm Pacific Standard Time from Monday to Friday, and provide email support for customers, so that customers can contact us through the following form.

-Special Note:

If you want to submit a warranty claim, you can also submit an application through this form. Please indicate your order number (this is very important) and the problem in the application.
Thank you for your patience and continued support! 


Contact Customer Service

Wskazówki 1: Jeśli nie masz numeru zamówienia, wpisz „Nie”.

Wskazówki 2: Jeśli podasz nam swoje dane kontaktowe WhatsApp, zorganizujemy kontakt z techniczną obsługą klienta. Pozwoli nam to skuteczniej rozwiązać problem.