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🎄Christmas Sales🎄

🎄Christmas Sales🎄

Christmas is just around the corner and the time to celebrate is here! We've put together some unique festive offers to make the holidays even better!

Event 1:(Active Regions: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands)
🎄 Christmas gifts:🎄
Become our social media fan and buy an AZ26 or R8SE before the 25th of December and get a chance to win 50% cashback on your order, a 1/10 chance, who's the lucky one?
How to enter:
Leave your order number in the comment section of the post about the promotion on social media channels (youtube, facebook, Instagram) to be entered into the social media sweepstakes, which is open to anyone who makes a purchase on the official CEAYA website on 26 December!

Event 2:(Active regions: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands)
🎁 Get $100 off selected e-bike models for Christmas!
Promo Code:
🚴‍♂️💨 Come and grab for green travelling and festive surprises!

🎁✨ Don't wait - until 25 December! (Draw date 26th, redemption dates 28th-31st)

🔗Shop link :
Social Media Home Page:

🎄 🎄 Christmas Frenzy Sale! 🎅 Travel greener and easier this Christmas!
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